"Never neglect details. When everyone's mind is dulled
or distracted the leader must be doubly vigilant."
Ini benar sekali. Dan as much as I hate details, tapi terutama saat krisis dan serba tak menentu penuh challenge maka gue juga kemudian menjadi lebih detil tidak saja dalam hal strategi tapi juga dalam hal eksekusi. Terutama yang berkaitan dng hal-hal penting seperti policy, program besar, dimana implikasi akan menyangkut seluruh karyawan or rakyat banyak. Terbukti ahamdulillah efektif. Approach ini juga sejalan pandangan saya tentang tema tahun 2010 dalam artikel saya yg lalu berjudul : Theme of 2010: Year of Uncerainty and Possibility http://mayasoeharto.blogspot.com/2010/01/2010-year-of-uncertainty-and-possiblity.html
Tentang lesson no 5 ini, Berikut penjelasan Gen Colin Powel lebih detail:
Strategy equals execution. All the great ideas and visions in the world are worthless if they can't be implemented rapidly and efficiently. Good leaders delegate and empower others liberally, but they pay attention to details, every day. (Think about supreme athletic coaches like Jimmy Johnson, Pat Riley and Tony La Russa). Bad ones, even those who fancy themselves as progressive "visionaries," think they're somehow "above" operational details. Paradoxically, good leaders understand something else: an obsessive routine in carrying out the details begets conformity and complacency, which in turn dulls everyone's mind. That is why even as they pay attention to details, they continually encourage people to challenge the process. They implicitly
understand the sentiment of CEO leaders like Quad Graphic's Harry Quadracchi, Oticon's Lars Kolind and the late Bill McGowan of MCI, who all independently asserted that the Job of a leader is not to be the chief organizer, but the chief dis-organizer.
Semoga bermanfaat dan membawa berkah yang berarti buat semua.
Salam startegy to detail,
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