ADT singkatan dari Attention Deficit Trait. Terjadi akibat "brain" yang udah overloaded -- sekarang semakin banyak terjadi di beberapa organisasi menurut Harvard Business School .. Gejala utamanya distractibility (gampang teralihkan, gak fokus), inner frenzy dan impatience. Orang yang mengalami ini cenderung susah fokus, kurang terorganized, susah set prioritas dan managing time ( ** hmmm mulai tanda-tanda nih gue ...huahhahaha...**)
Ini dia resepnya secara umum yang bisa dilakukan untuk kontrol ADT kita:
1. Get adequate sleep
2. Watch your eat. Avoid simple, sugary carbohydrates, add protein, stick to complex carbohydrates (vegetables, whole grains, fruits)
3. Exercise, at least 30 minutes at least every other day
4. Take daily multivitamin and an omega-3 fatt acid supplement
Lha kalo kita terasa OVERWHELMED, berikut tips-nya:
1. slow down... ( hehehe...)
2. Do an easy rote task : Reset your watch, write a note about neutral topic ( such as a description of your house), read a few dictionary definitions, do a short crossword puzzle.
3. Move around: Go up and down a flight of stairs or walk briskly
4. Ask for help, delegate a task. or brainstorm with a colleague. In short, do not worry alone.
@HBS. 2005
OK friends, mau bareng praktek-in? heheh
Semoga manfaat,
Salam go away ADT,
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