Wah gue dapet serangan ( baca: sanggahan) dari anak2 gw begitu mereka baca artikelku Tips Weekend Hemat : yg mau mindahin " Mall ke Rumah" huhahahaa...( **weleh weleh**). Ada baiknya gue dengerin omongan mereka siapa tahu ada point penting yg gak gw pikirkan sebelumnya hmmm (** i dont believe i said this! hehe..**). Nih, surat2 "cinta" itu :
My Iris (16 y0): Why we love malls (8 Dec08 at 11.20 am)
mom~don't be mad kay2? :)
1# strategic place: just 5 mins from our school.
2# everyone knows the place: it is universally acknowledged
3# Entertainment centre: Wi-fi, movies, games, bookstores
4# I just love shopping, im a woman<3 internet="starbucks=">
5# You’re up-to-date: newest fashions, stores, and my favorite ice cream place: sour sally’s there :-)
6# no parents!!!! Hahaha, mom-don’t be mad okay
7# To socialize. we’re a mere human and have the need to socialize right??
8# Meet-up place to do projects, nice drink and free internet=starbucks=mall
My Tiara (13 yo) : Hai ma! ( 8/12/08 at 11.35am)
This is very honest please don’t get angry but it’s the truth, its fact not fiction -.-WHY I LIKE MALLS! :D
1) It has attractions and it’s a social place thingy, people could meet easily
2) It has the cinema and popcorn
3) Its awesome because it’s a mall, its cool and big and comfortable (for me)
4) We can shop and find a lot of things there; imagine we need to make a project, and we need something; and first thought that goes in your mind: mall!
5) Some malls are near working places, schools, and usually we can go there easily. Plus there are more malls so they cover more areas :D
6) It has stuff ranging from adults to little kids, like starbucks or whatever for business for adults and little kids clothes section for little kids; for example: ZARA MEN, ZARA, ZARA KIDS also GAP and GAP kids
7) They have foodcourts, some of the malls, which makes it easier to choose what to eat, because there are a lot of choices in one place.
8) A place to hang out; when a student wants to have reunion or jalan2 the first thing they remember: Senci!!! PIM!! Not TMII :D hehehe
9) We can shop our hearts out there comfortably (if you have money)
10) There’s also saloons and stuff like Johnny Andrean so its ga repot. haha
Waduh gak nyangka gue hehe.., ok let's have a dialogue gals!.. ( ** sambil garuk2 kepala yg ga' gatel, hehehe**)
Salam kompak,
1 komentar:
Why i like some of the malls?
(1) coz some of them have great places to pray
(2) coz i can feel greatfull that God gives me enough rezeki & healthy to enjoy the great facilities in mall
(3) coz i can see many smiles & laughs.. means many people happy. But in the same time reminding me there are many2x more people who are not lucky & unhappy who need our help
(4) coz its a good place to test my self control for only buying what i really need. Some time i passed and some time i failed. but i keep trying to always passed the test
(5) coz i see many mothers and children sharing their happiness in the mall.. this is the best.. coz its a rule of nature.. by keeping your parents (especially mother) happy, we will get more happiness in this world.. the rule of nature is the promise of God.. enjoy the mall girls..
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