Hi Nakana (friends),
Berikut Japanese proverb yang dususun oleh Sensei Iris khusus untuk kita semua yang tertarik dengan bahasa Jepang. Coba deh disimak, proverb ini selain indah dalam kata-kata, juga meaningnya punya filosofi yg mendalam, yg bisa diterapkan di berbagai konteks dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari, baik itu khidupan pribadi/klg, maupun bisnis/ manajemen
負けるが勝ち(makeru ga kachi)
=when you’re defeated you’re actually winning
meaning: failing is the source of success.
良薬は 口に苦し (Ryoyaku wa kuchi ni nigashi)
= Good medicines are bitter in taste
The things that you don’t like are good for you / you tend to dislike things that are good for you
百聞は一見にしかず (Hyakubun wa ikken ni shikazu)
=Seeing once is better than hearing a thousand times
Best way to learn is to experience things yourself
急がば回れ (Isogaba maware)
=When you do something in a rush, you will return to where you start
Do things slowly and steadily but surely
早起きは 三文の得 (Hayaoki wa sanmon no toku)
=When you wake up early, you stand three times more than everyone else
Waking up early is the start of all goodness
文は武に勝る (Bun wa bu ni masaru)
=Pen (writing) is stronger than swords
As long as you use the right words, you can control everything
二とうを追う者は 一とうもえず (Nitou o ou mono wa ittou o mo ezu)
=Wanting to catch two rabbits and ends up catching none
Go for one (focus) target at a time
Semoga manfaat dan rajin2lah belajar bahasa Asing
Janee (baca: sampai disini dulu ya..)
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