Sales : Delivering Elevator Pitches Effectively

Apabila kita pas masuk elevator/lift kebetulan di dalamnya bertemu Big bos, klien penting, Atasan, atau VIP yang sudah lama kita ingin bertemu tapi belum tembus, apa yang harus kita lakukan dan perhatikan agar bisa memanfaatkan kesempatan tsb sebaik mungkin?

Berikut kiat-kiatnya (K Morse, 2008) :

1. Convinces the “target person” to schedule a longer meeting with you, and to be receptive to doing business with you and your company.
2. Empowers and enables the “target person” also to convince other appropriate people to become interested in your company.
3. Resonates; Demonstrates sincerity.
4. Communicates a sense of value, empathy, and urgency. Quantifies the value proposition clearly.
5. Combines thorough Sales and Market Research.
6. Requires no more than 1-2 minutes (55 seconds is best).
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